Bracket Settings

The most tricky part is here! Don't worry we got you!

Here is the outlook of how you can set up stage and bracket of your tournament

There are 5 different types of Bracket to choose from:

  • Battle Royale

  • Single Elimination

  • Double Elimination

  • Swiss

  • Round Robins

Please consider carefully your tournament's competitive format before setting

Here is how each bracket looks like.

Single Elimination

Single Elimination is the most simple format of a tournament. Teams will compete in direct knockout format. You can set up the number of games per match (The number of games per match must be an odd number and the winner will be the one who win the most games. For example, if the number of games per match is 3, the team win 2 out of 3 games will win the match.)

Battle Royale

Battle Royale is the survival format in which team points will base on their place and kills - suitable for games like PUBG or Teamfight Tactics. On, you can set up Battle Royale format with the following settings:

  • Number of team per group: The number of team compete with each other in points for the prize or qualify for the next Stage.

  • Number of team per matches: Number of team participate in a match (For example there are 8 players in a TFT games, or 16 teams in a PUBG game)

  • Number of round: Number of matches each time will have to compete to finish the stage.

Round Robins

Round Robin is the versus format where teams in a group compete with each other and gain point for each win, draw and loss. You can set up Round Robin format with following settings:

  • Games per match: Maximum number of games team must play to conclude a match (For example, games per match: 3 means a team must win 2 out of 3 games to to win the match)

  • Number of round: Number of matches each time will have to compete to finish the stage.


Last updated